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Microsoft Lifecam 3.0 Mac Driver

by pulcdetuofun1977 2021. 3. 12.

A) Download the drivers from the above link. B) Right-click on the driver and click on ‘properties’. C) Click on the ‘compatibility’ tab and check the box ‘Run this program in compatibility mode for’ and select Windows 7 operating system from the drop down. D) Click on ‘Apply’ and click ‘OK’. Microsoft lifecam free download - Microsoft Office 2011, Microsoft Office 2016 Preview, Microsoft Office 2008 update, and many more programs. Enter to Search. My Profile Logout. Jul 24, 2007 I just tried iChat w/ macamm driver and a paid version of usbcam and it doesn't work well. Recognizes the device and you can see a pic but it looks like 16 colors or worse. If you change the contrast you can get it to look somewhat normal but it looks like a frequency problem. Flashes like it's at 50hz on a 60hz system or something.

November 11, 2009

Microsoft Lifecam Windows 10 Driver

30.1 MB
Input Devices
Windows 7
Microsoft Lifecam 3.0 Mac Driver
Download the latest drivers and software for your Microsoft LifeCam webcam.
Late Breaking and Known Issues:,/b.
Windows N and KN versions require installation of Windows Media Format 11 SDK
* On Windows 7 N and KN, versions, you need to install Windows Media Format 11 SDK to enable LifeCam functionality. For more information, click here to view the Knowledge Base article on this topic.
* On Windows Vista N and KN versions, you need to install Windows Media Format 11 SDK to enable LifeCam functionality. For more information, click here to view the Knowledge Base article on this topic.
Windows 7 E version requires installation of Internet Explorer
On Windows 7 E, you need to install Internet Explorer to enable LifeCam functionality. You can install Internet Explorer from the Microsoft Download Center.
Windows 7 requires that .NET be enabled for LifeCam software to run
On Windows 7, if you have .NET turned off, you will be prompted during LifeCam Setup to enable it. If you choose not to do this during Setup, you will not be able to run the LifeCam software- the software will close automatically when you try to open it. In order to use the LifeCam software, you will first need to enable.NET in the Windows 7 Control Panel.
For more informacion please visit:
Here's other similar drivers that are different versions or releases for different operating systems:


    • November 11, 2009
    • Windows XP
    • 30.1 MB
    • November 11, 2009
    • Windows Vista
    • 30.1 MB
    • January 9, 2009
    • Windows 7
    • 46.2 MB

Microsoft Lifecam 3.0 Windows 10


Microsoft Lifecam 3.0 Driver